
If your head is cut off, you can remain conscious for 15 seconds – Meaning, you can still blink and everything.


The total weight of all the ants on Earth is about the same as the weight of all the humans on earth! Your mind = blown!


FACT: The youngest mother to give birth was 5 years old! Isn't that crazy?!


Marilyn Monroe's IQ (168) was higher than Einstein's (160)!


Bin Laden's death was announced on 1st May 2011... Hitler's death was announced on 1st May 1945.


Blind people can see in their dreams.


The average woman spends 1 year of her lifetime trying to decide what to wear!


There are no clocks or windows in Las Vegas gambling casinos- so people don't know if it's day or night outside!


You see your nose at all times, your brain just chooses to ignore it.


Childbirth is the second most painful thing in the world, right next to being burned alive.


A “French Kiss” is called an “English Kiss” in France.


Sagging jeans below your waist in culture began in jail when prisoners were detained without belt for fear they will use it to commit suicide.


Although they won’t admit it, women fart as much as men.


In Japan, streets have no names.


Hitler was once nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.


The first mouse was created in 1964, and had a wooden box covering.


"Albert Einstein's brain was stolen after he died" The man who performed the autopsy on Einstein's body shortly after he died was a Princeton pathologist by the name of Thomas Harvey. Harvey removed the brain for examination, as is customary during autopsies, but he never replaced it. At the cost of his job and reputation, Harvey instead placed it in a jar of formaldehyde and took it home! Over the next 40 years, he sent bits of the brain to leading neuroscientists for them to study. He felt that stealing the brain was his scientific duty! What is left of the brain now resides back at Princeton where it started - Harvey tried to return it to Einstein's daughter at one point, but she didn't want it, so he gave it back to the university.


'Man runs 365 Marathons in year. Stefan Engels is a Belgian citizen who has hit the world record for most marathons within a year's time. The 49-year-old European has managed to reach the finish line of 365 runs within 365 days. It is also the new record for consecutive marathons (the former holder was the Japanese Kusuna Akinori with a series of 52).Mr. Engels admits that he never overdoes things and, although giving his all, usually tries to run slowly and keep his heartbeat low. His feat includes races in 7 different countries and about 15,400km. He is a very strong man who has also taken the title of Guinness World Record holder of the most Iron Man triathlons finished in 365 days.


Hippo milk is pink!


Methane gas can often be seen bubbling up from the bottom of ponds. It is produced by the decomposition of dead plants and animals in the mud.


One million Americans, about 3,000 each day, take up smoking each year. Most of them are children.


One quarter of the bones in the human body is in the feet.


How do we Spell 'Marilyn Monroe'? Even She Couldn't Tell!!!!According to sources, Marilyn Monroe had to ask a photographer how to spell her own name when signing an autograph. The easiest explanation is that this is not her real name, but an artistic pseudonym. Norma Jeane Dougherty was taken in by 20th Century Fox, but her name so didn't sound like a star’s name. At least that is what the producers though. This is why they came up with 'Marilyn Monroe'. This is final result after many proposed variations starting from 'Carole Lind' to 'Jean Norman'. Finally, director Ben Lyon decided to use 'Marilyn' as the name of Mrs. Miller- a 1920s stage actress who he strongly cherished. The surname came as the young starlet took her mother's maiden name. As Lyon and the other staff at 20th Century Fox decided it sounded great and catchy, the old Norma Jean became Marilyn Monroe- the star.


Did you know that your toilet can save your life during a house fire?'I’m pretty sure your toilet has saved your life a few times when you most need it. But did you know that it can be really helpful during a house fire? Yes, it can. You can actually breathe air from it. So go get yourself a long plastic pipe and keep it in your bathroom, just in case.


There is an underwater restaurant in Israel' If you want to have a meal under the water you should go to the Red Sea Star restaurant in Israel. The dining area can accommodate 105 people and is 5 meters below the Red Sea surface. You could enjoy the remarkable view of coral reefs and marine life and a fancy meal at the same time. There is an interesting service provided – a fish-eye view of the sea after sunset- quite romantic indeed.


Cheer yourself up and put a smile on your face by eating a banana. The popular fruit contains a protein called tryptophan. Once it has been digested, tryptophan then gets converted in a chemical neurotransmitter called serotonin. This is one of the most important mood-regulating chemicals in the brain and most anti-depressant drugs work by adjusting levels of serotonin production. Higher levels are associated with better moods.


There are no tomatoes in the original ketchup recipe. The original Chinese ketchup (ke-tsiap) was in fact a pickled fish sauce. Sailors from UK found it in the 1600s. They called it ketchup but it was more like to soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce. A hundred years later, they started adding tomatoes. The other name for ketchup was “tomato soy”.


You can plunge your hands into molten lead and not get burned.


If you touch your tongue while yawning, it can stop the yawn.


Every time you remember a certain event, your brain changes/tweaks the memory of a tiny bit. This means that the more you think of one past occurrence, the more likely it is that you're remembering it wrong.


To dream that you have a crush on somebody is a literal reflection of your attraction and fascination for that person.


You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening.


Bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers were all invented by women.


Cracking your knuckles does not actually hurt your bones or cause arthritis. The sound you hear is just gas bubbles bursting.


Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world, there is a duck watching you.


When a person cries and the first drop of tears come from the right eye, it's from happiness. But when the first roll is from the left, it is pain.


Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe thought that teen pop sensation Justin Bieber was a woman.


One tablespoon  of semen has approximately 20 calories. Semen also contains zinc and calcium which helps prevent tooth decay.


When you put a seashell next to your ear, it's the sound of your blood surging in your veins, not the ocean.


'Dysania' is the state of finding hard to get out of bed in the morning.


Why I turn on the TV?
-10% to watch shows.
-90% to use it as background noise so I feel less lonely when I'm on the internet.


Although certain piece of music and some visual experiences can evoke memories, smell is by far the strongest in evoking memories from the past.


90% of people sit at their computer desks slouching, supporting the head with the left hand.


Lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tips of the finger. Not even genitals have as much sensitivity as lips.


Many teens who sleeps less than 8-9 hours suffer with irritability, mood swings and even depression.


People who sleep late have more mental stamina and can outperform early risers, study finds.


Study shows, when given a choice old people prefer to read negative news about young people because it boosts their self-esteem.


Women are more influenced by how a man smells than how he looks, study shows.


3:44 am is the common time to wake up at night.


House are able to learn and memorize human words and can hear the human voice better than dogs.


If you stay up all night your body burns an extra 161 calories.


A teen killed by a train was sued by a woman because his flying body parts injured her.


Those who get out of bed by 7 am, are more likely to be thinner and happier, a study finds.


When a man spots a woman he finds attractive, he holds his gaze for an average of 8.2 seconds.


Kissing triggers a series of chemical processes, boosting feelings of social bonding while reducing stress.


Popular kids end up making more money as adults.


Men in relationship lies twice as often as women.


Crossing your fingers for good luck originally had to be done with two people, more like the pinky promise but for luck.


Spanking can lower the IQ. Children who were spanked for punishment, grow up to have lower IQ, a study finds.


The original name for butterfly was flutterby.


Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every 2 weeks so that it doesn't digest itself.


Lady Gaga wrote her song "Born This Way" in 10 minutes.


If your a re chased by a crocodile, run zigzag. A crocodile is not good at making sharp turns.


J.K. Rowling was the 1st person to become a billionaire by writing books.


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