Tuesday, June 19, 2012


You are the person who has to decide. Whether you’ll do it or toss it aside; you are the person who makes up your mind. Whether you’ll lead or will linger behind. Whether you’ll try for the goal that’s afar. Or just be contented to stay where you are.
~Edgar A. Guest


What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life.
~Leo Buscaglia


We would rather be in the company of somebody we like than in the company of the most superior being of our acquaintance.
~Frank Swinnerton


We chose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.
~Kahlil Gibran


Since that night I have come to understand that sometimes the best families of all are those we create ourselves, the people we choose to be with.
~Silas House


Most of us cherish freedom, but when we actually get the opportunity to make our own way it can be terrifying.
~Tom Butler-Bowdon


Due to state laws, the restaurant was nonsmoking, which has a nonsmoker pleases me, but as a Libertarian it pisses me off.
~Jarod Kintz


Every decision you make takes you one step closer to being wealthy or one step further away.
~Shay Olivarria


He is where he is supposed to be. And yet the place he has found is also of his own choosing. That is a piece of luck not to be despised.
~Cormac McCarthy


Reading was my escape and my comfort, my consolation, my stimulant of choice: reading for the pure pleasure of it, for the beautiful stillness that surrounds you when you hear an author’s words reverberating in your head.
~Paul Auster


We start each day with a blank sheet of paper in front of us, and what we write on it is up to us.
~John Larkin


I do believe in fate, Anne-not the blind fate that gives one no freedom of choice, but a fate that sets down a pattern for each of our lives and gives us choices, numerous choices, by which to find that pattern and be happy.
~Mary Balogh


Choice. I needed it like I needed air. But no one could hear me. No one could listen. No words. No sound. No voice. I couldn’t even dream myself away. Choices were made. None of them mine. At first I wondered if it was hell. And then I knew it was.
~Mary E. Pearson


Choice is the keynote of self-determinism. To determine anything, you must have the choice to determine. Choice to determine means that you must have the power of decision.
~L. Ron Hubbard


Maybe none of us can choose who we love. None of the lucky ones, anyway. The only choice we have is how we serve that love. And Ethan’s made his choice. What about you? Are you going to reject it, or make the best of what you’ve been given?
~Vicki Keire


I must choose between despair and Energy – I choose the latter.
~John Keats


You have two choices: You can make a living, or you can design a life.
~Jim Rohn


What tale do you like best to hear? “Oh, I have not much choice! They generally run on the same theme – courtship; and promise to end in the same catastrophe – marriage.”
~Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre


Given a choice between goose egg and heartache, I would choose heartache.
~Santosh Kalwar


Yes, faith; it is my cousin’s duty to make curtsy and say ‘Father, as it please you.’ But yet for all that, cousin, let him be a handsome fellow, or else make another curtsy and say ‘Father, as it please me.’
~William Shakespeare


Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.
~Anthony Robbins


With the Internet, we can choose the very communities we want to be a part of it.
~Alex Shakar


Choose being kind over being right and you’ll be right every time.
~Richard Carlson


There are two paths of which one may choose in the walk of life; one we are born with, and the one we consciously blaze. One is naturally true, while the other is a perceptive illusion. Choose wisely at each fork in the road.
~T.F. Hodge


The more choices we have, the greater the need for focus.
~Tom Butler-Bowdon


Contrary to what we’ve been told, life id simple. We complicate matters with our choices.
~Michelle Richardson


You can choose to say, “Good Morning God” or “Good God, morning!
~Timothy Parker


I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.
~Jackie Mason


Life is full of alternatives but no choice.
~Patrick White


At some point the choice you will face is whether to carry out your duties or live your life.
~Cayla Kluver


Pick ten strangers and stick them in a room, and ask them which of us they feel sorrier for – you or me – and we all know who they’ll choose.
~Jodi Picoult


I don’t want any funny business, and above all I don’t want to be dragged into other people’s funny business. If it’s to be in my head on the block, I want to know that it’s doing there, and not that it’s some stupid things that other people have done.
~Hans Fallada


There are but few important events in the affairs of men brought about by their own choice.
~Ulysses S. Grant


I was here on the earth because I chose to be.
~John Cheever


When we give ourselves permission to fail... we at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel.
~Eloise Ristad

There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.
~Denis Waitley


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